Wednesday, December 07, 2005

And another birthday! And then another one! And then another one!

Cassie Bellato (our Chairman’s P.A.) and Martin Dilke-Wing had their birthday’s last week and went out partying to various establishments......

I am assured there are some photos circulating and I’ll get them on here when they get into safe hands!

Martin is apparently a good little mover on the dance floor, so I’ve been told. Cassie went for sandwiches rather than cakes and Martin, oh yes; he said to have some of Cassie’s sandwiches!

Then, Candice Fields (our MD’s assistant) had her birthday yesterday. Candice remembered the cakes, not like Martin.

Anyhow, Happy Birthday guys.

The David Niven of Morgans reaches 60

Our Head of Finance, Mr Peter Braithwaite, was 60 just over a week ago.

Sam, (our finance queen), did some organising and made sure that Peter had a fabulous day at work and Trisha, Peter’s wife, then took him out to the theatre. Peter was unaware of any of the planning that went on to ensure that he had a thoroughly enjoyable birthday.

Peter was taken to the Ritz with a few of the guys (who were all in on it!) to have aperitif’s in the Rivoli bar. Obviously, this type of establishment is in fitting with the perfect gentleman (see description below).

Next it was onto Le Caprice, where Sam and Peter enjoyed their meal which we understand was superb. Next, across the road and into Just St James to meet up again with all the Morgans staff for a few drinks, where Thomas (Peter’s son) and Trisha met up.

I think some of the Morgans boys and girls may have stayed on after Peter left for the theatre and had a couple more…..

Anyhow, I had to get the Collins out, because how do you describe Peter? I also thought it wise to check and make sure my etiquette in addressing Peter was correct, although Mr does sound enough.

Perfect - having all essential elements, unblemished; faultless, correct or precise, utter or absolute
Gentleman - a man regarded as having qualities of refinement associated with a good family, a man who is cultured, courteous, and well-educated.

Well, these words sum Peter up - and more.

Although a little belated, Happy Birthday Peter.